2. Keep Longing. Never stop thinking about what the Lord may want to do through you. People with no purpose in life will age faster than those inspired by God-given goals.
3. Keep Looking. Read His Word and expect Him to reveal spiritual truth. Pay attention to the voice of the Holy Spirit as He guides you moment by moment.
4. Keep Laboring. Today, many people want to work less. But God designed us to be active. Exercising our bodies—through manual labor and other physical activity—keeps them healthier.
5. Keep Leaning. Turn every burden and worry over to God.
6. Keep learning. Acquiring new skills or knowledge stimulates our minds. Research has discovered that people who stop educating themselves usually age faster.
7. Keep loving. A loving person always smile and happy. Happiness makes that aging process slower.
8. Keep laughing. It relaxes your body and helps release tension and stress.
9. Keep your language positive.
10. Keep listening to the Lord. When you pray, don’t do all the talking. Ask the Father to guide your life each day.