Friday, February 27, 2009

The Human Heart.

February. The Month of Love.
The universe finds its way into the law of attraction again.

I could see people everywhere. Two by two. (some even makes me sick by public display of affections) What's the main reason for this two by two cause? Why does the whole world act this way in the first place?
maybe it is the human nature, the human heart...

Each one of us has the heart given by the Almighty. And that heart serves as our compass in this universe...that heart is connected to the soul of the world, which can also be called- every connected thing around us. The soul of the world is always a positive force, so better draw direction from it, and better listen to your coz its
God's personal guiding star in each of us to lead us in this imperfect world.

Some people may say it's better to follow your head than your heart...well, it's true, that works! (believe me) some people even became successful.
But somehow recently I found out its better to follow your heart...some others are afraid to trust their hearts because they felt its treachery at some point in their lives. Well, I say its not the heart's fault- it's their own faults!
they felt it's treachery as an unexpected blow because
they didn't listen to their hearts in the first place.
If only they had searched for that inner feeling of the soul,
they may have been guided by which direction the compass went,
by which advice God himself advised.
For we have been bestowed with perfect hearts
made in the image and likeness of He himself.
If only they had trust that hidden feeling inside
maybe they never got lost and maybe had rid themselves of the tragedy.

I'm not saying you should not use your head and be blinded by love-
( Love is never blind- if so, then why is the world turning by it's direction?)
In fact love makes one understand a lot of things.
I'm not saying you should forget about everything else too
and focus all your time on one person only, no that's not right.
(as I've stated, love is not blind)

I'm just saying search for that big feeling inside you
that overwhelms other choices you wanna make.

If you just think positive, you will attract positive things,
think negative- negative things. Maybe that's why some others found a lot of tragedies because they let their negativity in the way, or maybe that person is just not the soulmate the soul of the world presently prepares for them?
God gives us signs and equipped us a sign detector in finding destiny...
the signs are the opportunities we see everyday. The sign detector is our heart...

That's why we should listen to it. Coz sooner or later- who knows? it may detect a sign...

1 comment:

  1. "If you just think positive, you will attract positive things"

    -you got it! bullseye!


In English please.